On Wednesday, Margaret River Chamber of Commerce and Industry held our Annual General Meeting (AGM), to thank members for a wonderful year that was and to update them on future events and planned activities. It was also an opportunity to keep members informed about what MRCCI has been doing on their behalf, to discuss how we are growing as an organisation and community advocate, and show how we can develop further benefits for our members. The event was hosted by Judith Reynolds and South Regional TAFE who provided complimentary platters and wine crafted by their talented students – delicious! Thank you, Judith.
This year we’ve enjoyed many events with our members. MRCCI held 11 Networking Sundowners where business representatives were given the opportunity to meet and connect with other businesses and stakeholders in the region while hearing updates from local businesses, events and organisations. Thank you to the support provided by our incredible sponsors hosting these events. Other events we’ve held this year include International Women’s Day, Business Breakfasts, NBN and AusIndustry Information Sessions, the Awards Ready and Migration Law Workshops and of course our incredible Business Awards (to name a few).
And there are many more events to look forward to!
In September we’re excited to have our 2017 Environment Celebration.
In October we’ll be celebrating 50 years of wine with a big bus tour!
Coming in November we have the Forrest Personnel 30th birthday celebration and,
In December, don’t forget the Annual Settlers Tavern Christmas Party!
Be on the look out for our newsletter and invitations for all the dates and information. We will also be providing more workshops and training throughout the year so keep any eye out for those as well.
This year MRCCI has also increased and enhanced our partnerships. We collaborated with 5 other Chambers in signing the Memorandum of Understanding and formalised the Capes Region Business Network, our President Steve Castan was elected onto the South West Chambers of Commerce and Industry Committee and we attended the RCCIWA workshops in Perth where we met with Parliamentarians and other chambers to share knowledge and address challenges. These partnerships will enhance our ability to advocate and provide benefits to our members.
MRCCI has also completed our strategic planning process, identifying 5 key focus areas as we move forward –
- Buy Local – including Small Business Day.
- Environment – Including the Environmental Excellence Business Award and an MOU with Nature Conservation Margaret River Region.
- Governance – Including a new Constitution, Committee Induction kit and Sub-committees to focus on the key areas.
- Innovation & Technology – Including the continuation of the Wi-Fi project, workshops and information sessions.
- Membership Development – Including a member survey and a member to member benefits program.
At the AGM we also had nominations and confirmations for our committee members, and we are once again honoured with a fantastic team.
MRCCI would like to congratulate and welcome all our new and returning appointees.
President – Steve Castan, Barrister and Mediator
Deputy President – Rebecca Hannan, Coach – Speaker – Trainer
Treasurer – Alistair Wilkie, Nexus Bookkeeping
General committee management positions:
- Andrew Horan, Ultimate Growth
- Jeff Leach, Caves Mechanical
- Judith Reynolds, South Regional TAFE
- Marilyn Smith, Iris Naturopathic and Skin Clinic
- Julie Kiker, Commonwealth Bank
- Peter Griffyn, CloudPress
- Phill Cronin, First National Margaret River
- Richard Halse, The Larder
We would also like to express our gratitude to those Committee Members who stepped down – Ashleigh Harris, Rebecca Cameron, Sylvia Chandler and Sylvia Skivinis and Siobhan Halse. You have all contributed so much of your time, skills and passion into the business community. We will miss you!
MRCCI will only continue to grow and develop in ways to better you, our members. MRCCI aims to be the leading voice of a thriving Margaret River region business community, and through strategic engagement enhance the sustainable economic development of our diverse and vibrant community. With this years AGM completed and looking back at all the great events that have been held, we hope that we can continue to provide our members with the all the best events, workshops and benefits we can offer