What are the five key issues that affect business in your area?
Now is the time for you to have your say. The Executive of the SWCCI invites you to identify five key issues that affect business in your area. You may wish to frame these in the context of issues identified in the Regional Blueprint or you may have your own specific issues. Without pre-empting any issues, you may have concerns relating to eg transport or communication. If so, we would be very interested in knowing what specifically those issues are and how they affect your businesses. Alternatively, the issues you have may be entirely focused on your businesses, without having broader implications. We invite your input.
The Executive will collate the information from all South West Chambers and it will be presented at a meeting to be held in Perth to coincide with the Regional Chambers of Commerce and Industry WA on 11th and 12 June. We recognise that not all members will be available but this will be a starting point.
Simply reply to this email with what you think are the issues for business in your sector.