MRCCI is proud to welcome our newest member Nudge Psychological!

Nudge Psychological Assessment and Consulting is a multi-award winning private psychology practice.
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They offer services in the assessment and treatment of mild to moderate mental health disorders, relationship counselling, and parental skills training in the management of child behavioural issues.
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The Nudge team offer individual, family and couples counselling as well as throughcare services into the world-class integrated DARA treatment program for addictive behaviour recovery.
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They also run the South West Employee Assistance Programs (SWEAP) for local organisations conducting local, reliable and high quality employee counselling and well-being services. [kleo_gap size=”12px” class=”” id=””]
Nudge Psychological Assessment and Consulting won Business of the Year this year at the WA Regional Small Business Awards as well as winning the Customer Service category. [kleo_gap size=”12px” class=”” id=””]A warm MRCCI welcome to Nudge Psychological, we look forward to working with you in the future!
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Visit Nudge Psychological’s website: Nudge Psychological

For more information on Nudge and other MRCCI members: Member Directory

For more photos and information on MRCCI events: MRCCI Facebook

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