Western Australian small to medium enterprises (SMEs) seeking to turn a great idea into reality can apply for up to $20,000 as part of the 2015 Innovation Vouchers Program.
Commerce Minister Michael Mischin said the funding would help SMEs access professional skills, services or knowledge that would enable them to advance their innovation or ommercialisation activity in the State.
Mr Mischin said the program had previously provided $600,000 to 32 SMEs between 2011 and 2013.
“Thanks to that financial boost and access to expertise, many recipients have entered new markets, established and maintained relationships with research providers and other support services and increased revenue,” he said.
“The program is designed to encourage industry-led innovation in WA, which will increase research and development investment into WA and in turn, create economic and employment opportunities.”
Successful Innovation Voucher Program applicants can use the funding for research and development; product development; technology transfer; intellectual property or commercialisation support services.
Recipients will need to provide a net cash co-investment of matched funds at a rate no less than 20:80 of applicant to State Government funding.
Applications are open until 3pm Friday, February 27, 2015. For more information, visit http://www.commerce.wa.gov.au
Minister’s office – 6552 5600