Presentations from the sessions held in Margaret River have been uploaded to
For your reference, below are links to some of the resources from Tourism Australia mentioned at the briefing.
Further to the presentation on Tourism Australia’s marketing activity, you can access toolkits and resources from their global consumer marketing campaign, There’s nothing like Australia. Also available online is more information about Restaurant Australia.
For more information about international markets please visit
The ‘Working with Tourism Australia’ booklet provides a number of resources, services, programs and partnering opportunities to assist Australian tourism businesses with both consumer and trade marketing activities. To stay up-to-date with the latest information from Tourism Australia you can subscribe to their weekly Essentials Newsletter, follow us on Twitter or LinkedIn, and visit
You might also be interested in visiting their consumer web site, and key social media including Facebook, Instagram, Google+ and more – see details on Tourism Australia’s social media program.
Other links and resources you might find useful include:
- for more information on Tourism 2020, Australia’s national long-term tourism strategy. Tourism Australia’s progress against their Tourism 2020 objectives at
- for a range of materials including tourism forecasts, research and more.