The Autism Association of Western Australia’s Specialist Autism Regional Outreach team will be travelling to many regions in WA across 2014 to provide information on Autism and evidence-based strategies for working with or caring for individuals with Autism.

Please see below for our range of workshops for Families and Carers of Individuals with Autism, Community Groups and Educators in the local area.

NOTE: To protect the privacy of our families some workshops are open to family members only.


Family Workshop- Children 0-6 years old

Early days- Understanding Behaviour

Intended participants: Parents/Carers of children under the age of 6 with a diagnosis or awaiting a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Time and date: Wednesday 10th September 9am-2pm

Venue: Freyceint room, Darby Park, corner of Bussell Highway and Turnbridge Street

Cost: Free

The Understanding Behaviour workshop focuses on helping parents and carers manage difficult behaviour in children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).  Families of children with an ASD often report high levels of stress and difficult behaviour can be one reason for this.  Difficult behaviour can also interfere with the child’s development and learning. This workshop will give parents the skills to manage their child’s difficult behaviour.


Families of children aged 6-15 years old

Positive Behaviour Change: A recipe for success

Intended participants: Parents/Carers of children aged 6-15 years old with a diagnosis or awaiting a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Time and date: Thursday 11th September 9am-2pm

Venue: Mainbreak room, Shire Building, 41 Walcliffe Road

Cost: Free

This workshop supports parents of children aged 6 and over with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Parents will learn the characteristics of ASD and the impact it may have on their child’s behaviour, participation and learning, and positive support strategies.

Teachers Seminar (all staff working in an education setting) 

Positive Behaviour Change: A recipe for success for students with ASD

Time and date: Wednesday 10th September 8.45am-4pm

Venue: Margaret River Cultural Centre, Wallcliffe Road

Cost: $225.00 ($200.00 for Autism Association Members)

An Autism Specific Workshop supporting professionals working with children and adolescents with ASD. Participants will learn about evidence based positive behavior support strategies and the use of tools to assist collaborative planning to support positive behaviour change in children and adolescents with ASD

Community Organisations

What is Autism?

Time and date: Wednesday 10th September 5pm-7pm


Time and date: Thursday 11th September 9am-11am

Venue: Freyceint room, Darby Park, corner of Bussell Highway and Turnbridge Street

Cost: Free

A workshop for community organisations who currently support people with Autism across all ages or who may want to explore future opportunities to support people with Autism. Following this two hour workshop you will have an increased awareness of characteristics of Autism, social, communication and behavioural challenges that an individual with Autism may experience and ways to support and encourage an individual with Autism.

If you would like to attend any of the workshops please go to the Autism Association website to register:

If you have any questions please call 94898900