Marketing: Building Your Future
Date: Thursday 18 June, 2015
Time: (8:45am registrations) 9am – 3pm
Venue: South West Institute of Technology, 272 Bussell Highway, Margaret River, WA, 6285
Registrations: by Friday 12 June, 2015
Cost: MRCCI Members $295 incl GST  or  Non-members $345 incl. GST

There are limited places available, so please purchase your ticket online here:

The Margaret River Chamber of Commerce together with the South West Institute of Technology, have scheduled the second in this year’s series of professional training days.

Marketing was a popular choice in our earlier member survey, so as a result, we are offering “Marketing: Building Your Future”.

Staying ahead of the market and your competition in today’s crowded world is crucial. This workshop will help you to create a strong and consistent marketing strategy for your business.

Training is essential for the development of your staff and business. Don’t miss this opportunity provided right here in Margaret River and eliminate the added expense of travelling to Perth for equivalent courses.

Workshops are available to both MRCCI member and non-member businesses throughout the Margaret River region. Attendees will gain valuable skills and experience, with a ‘Certificate of Participation’ from SWIT provided upon completion.

There are limited places available, so please purchase your ticket online here: