**Invitation to make comment on the Margaret River Town Centre Project from the AMRSC**

Enabled by construction of the Margaret River Perimeter Road, the Margaret River Town Centre Project will start the transformation of Margaret River into a pedestrian friendly town centre. The town will become more attractive with enhanced landscaping, street furniture and paving.  New public spaces, lighting and artwork will inject vibrancy and traffic treatments will make intersections safer.

With funding from the Royalties for Regions Supertowns Program and support from Main Roads Western Australia, we are now completing detailed design for upgrading work between the river and the Margaret River High School.

Our funding also includes delivery of the first stage of upgrading works.  We are focussing on the River Precinct with the objective to improve the connectivity of the town centre to the river and to enhance the northern entry to the town centre.

We have recently advertised for comments on the concept plans that were developed in 2012 and we now wish to invite you to attend a presentation and feedback session about designs for the Margaret River Town Centre.

The Margaret River Town Centre meeting will be held at the Margaret River Council Chamber at 5:30pm on Thursday 7th March.  Please RSVP to Mel Aylett on 97805260 or maylett@amrshire.wa.gov.au