Foot Traffic Report

It is clear that we’re off to a much better start for 2015 than 2014 with visitation to the Main Street of Margaret River and MRCCI are looking into the possible reasons why. For starters, the standout Leeuwin Family Concert and the WA Circus Festival appear to have attracted thousands more people to Main Street on the weekend of the events. Members, stay tuned. Download PDF: [download id=”37124″]

Top 5 Wi-Fi Uses

Month of January 2015

  1. iTunes
  2. Facebook
  3. Instagram
  4. Skype
  5. Web Browsing

What’s been happening?

The MRCCI Petition for Margaret River NBN Fibre has successfully collected over 260 community signatures and 113 powerful responses why our region needs NBN Fibre in Margaret River. The petition will be delivered early March to the Australian Senate, NBN Co, Telstra and others. Thank you to all of the local businesses and residents that signed the petition for what is one of the most important pieces of infrastructure of the economy today and the future. Go to the Chamber’s Facebook page to find the link to sign the petition to get super fast internet. Sign the Petition

Coming up

LATE FEBRUARY: Full January foot traffic comparison report for MRCCI Members and the new Margaret River Deals online marketplace website and app connected to the Free Public Wi-Fi. MARCH: MRCCI Information Session on the Chamber’s perspective on the Cultural Centre project and why it will create growth and jobs for our town and region.

  • Gnarabar will be hosting an After 5 Networking Event.
  • Emergence Creative will be providing MRCCI Members with discounted ticket offers!
  • Professsional Customer Service Training – Date TBA