Nature Conservation Margaret River Region
Nature Conservation Margaret River Region
Contact Information

Nature Conservation Margaret River Region is an independent not-for-profit organisation.
In partnership with the community, they coordinate a range of natural resource management projects across the Margaret River Region of Western Australia extending from Cape Naturaliste to Cape Leeuwin. Their work is vital to the ongoing social, economic and environmental well-being of our region and our community.

˜The Margaret River Region is a haven for people and nature’

˜To inspire and assist our community to protect and enhance the special environment that sustains our lifestyles, livelihoods and well-being’

Nature Conservation Margaret River Region is one of six sub-regional natural resource management groups operating in the south west of Western Australia. They work in partnership with the South West Catchments Council, Gondwana Link, local and State agencies, industry, community groups, landowners and the community.

In collaboration with many stakeholders, the group has coordinated an integrated program of activities including planning, monitoring, research, on-ground action, awareness raising, education and capacity building.
Initially focusing on rivers and streams, their focus has expanded progressively outwards to encompass protection of biodiversity values throughout the forests, farmlands and townships of the region.