AHOY Management
AHOY Management
Contact Information

Creating festivals worth travelling for.

We make festivals that are sold out, #followed and loved IRL. Our not so secret power is taking the seed of an idea and transforming it into a fully-fledged festival that grows in success every year.

Like Cabin Fever, a winter festival laden with epic feasts, parties and events, set in the wilderness of Margaret River or Fine Vines Festival, WA’s premier wine festival championing the Margaret River region’s incredible wine offering.

Just like that nineties shampoo commercial, our expertise didn’t happen overnight. It took years, working on local and international festivals, discerning what made events extraordinary, and what made them, well, ordinary.

We work to make communities better places to live, work and play. And we want to partner with companies and organisations who share our vision of championing local businesses, while bringing vitality to communities across Western Australia.

Member to Member Offer

We would love to offer ‘local partner’ opportunities to fellow MRCCI Members – for Cabin Fever Festival and Fine Vines Festival.

Please give us a call to discuss this, if you feel your business may be aligned.