CCI Learning Solutions’ 2015 Catalogue of courses is now available for download

The 2015 catalogue outlines the training programs we can provide you and your organization. From entry level to management, we offer training options for your entire workforce.

CCI predicts $3.5 billion Christmas spend

Western Australian consumers are expected to eclipse last year’s record Christmas spend by splashing out $3.52 billion this December, some three per cent (or just over $100 million) more than a year ago.

Mental Health Inquiry Discussion Paper released for comment

CCI is again seeking comments from members with FIFO workers as we intend on making a second submission in response to the interim report.

Limited time left to download CCI’s free Workforce Planning Toolkit

Find out how you can take control and plan for the future of your workforce.

Weak national GDP result throws the interest rate debate wide open

The Australian National Accounts for September were released last Wednesday and showed the national economy grew by 0.3 per cent in the quarter.

Business receives $19,000 penalty for failure to consult with employees

The Federal Circuit Court has fined a business $19,000 for failing to consult employees on redundancies after accepting its joint penalty submission with a union.

50 per cent off employee relations publications

Receive 50 per cent off all new employee relations publication subscriptions from 1 December 2014 to 31 March 2015.

Get recognised for your healthy workplace

Western Australian workplaces are lining up to be recognised for their workplace health and wellbeing programs, following the October launch of Healthier Workplace WA’s Recognised Healthy Workplace program

Resources Safety Legislation – Have your say on your preferred option of legislation restructure

Do you work in the resource industry? Do you currently receive visits from both WorkSafe and DMP inspectors and would prefer only one regulator? Don’t want new legislation? This is your opportunity to let us know.

Business Pulse November/December edition now available

The November/December edition of CCI’s flagship magazine Business Pulse is now available.