“Be part of the inaugural 2015 program of 16 participants
from across southern Western Australia from June – November 2015. Develop your personal leadership capability, increase your knowledge of our regional issues, and connect with other emerging leaders.

Download the Information Pack [download id=”43418″]

Download the Emerging Leaders Program [download id=”undefined”]

Important dates

  • Closing Date for applications is: COB Thursday 14th May 2015
  • Successful Applicants will be notified by: COB   Friday 22nd May 2015

The Program

The program consists of four sessions x three-day workshops, four individual leadership coaching sessions per participant, and individual and/or group community action-learning projects.

The cost to participants is $1,100 (incl. GST) with the remaining 90% of the costs covered by the Department of Regional Development.  We would anticipate that local organisations may wish to sponsor local emerging leaders and would welcome any offers or suggestions in this regard.

To APPLY ONLINE go to www.karrak.com.au/eclp

For further information please contact Louise, Dawn or Nicole from Green Skills Inc by email datkin@greenskills.org.au or phone 9848 3310